Organic Aquavit
This Aquavit is one of a kind. Truly handcrafted with certified organic ingredients. The fresh spirit is oak matured both prior and after distillation giving extra depth to the soft fudge, vanilla character.
Only the best fresh organically grown lemons and oranges are selected to supply the zest that contributes with the oily citric notes that holds together the taste and the body of the spirit.
Nose: Clear note of Caraway, combined with the berry freshness from St Johns wort. Fresh peels from organically grown lemon and oranges contribute with citric, almost Christmas like tone. The scent of new grind coffee reveals gently behind the fresh herbs,. The distillation in small copper pot stills adds a round sweetness.
Palate: Herbal peppery tone with sweet Vanilla and fudge, behind the first sip a scent of coffee and liquorices are released.
Finish: Addition of a small portion of locally harvested honey supplements the long aftertaste with oily sweetness.